Poultry Specialist Safety Services
Safety provision from people who understands your industry, how you work and why
Poultry farming, whether it be broilers or layers, is a completely different job than most other agricultural sector work, and that applies to growers, suppliers and installers alike. The precision required and intense timelines on-farm need to be understood to appreciate why things are done in the way that they are done. But that doesn't mean that it can't be done better, and safer! Through experience and time spent working hands on in the industry, CDM Safety can work with you to find practical and realistic improvements to promote the safety culture and working conditions on your business and staff
Working with Poultry Farmers, Suppliers, Contractors and Service Suppliers
CDMRC work with all parts of the UK Poultry Industry to provide specialist support for their unique works and environments
At CDM Safety we have spent over 10 years working with and for the poultry industry, with our sister companies SK Poultry and Piper Carson supplying goods and services to the industry and our consultants spending a surprising amount of time on poultry sites. We know the wide array of daily and per-crop tasks and activities that are required, which are very much unique to the poultry industry as apposed to the wider farming sector. These often bring specific hazards and risks to staff and assets which can be reduced and mitigated with the right training and arrangements in place. We can take care of these things with you, providing staff induction, on-farm support, training and 24 hour advice, instead of just leaving an extra pile of paperwork in the cupboard!

Renewables Safety
Safety Support for AD, GSHP, Biomass and CHP Operators
At CDM Safety we know that renewable energy is often at the heart of UK farming enterprises, and we have the experience and enough technical know-how to offer practical H&S advice, assessment, audit and support for owners and operators of these complex and high risk equipments